2023 out now!

ECOPOiESiS is offered annually online. It includes the work of students for assignments for the Eartheart Certificate/Advanced Certificate of Ecotherapy, and others.

ECOPOiESIS is a place for our paying attention, our astonishment, our loves, our fear, and being present to our grief, as part of the Earth.  For such times as these.

Roots of the word Ecopoiesis:

The priestess/seer Diotima, who inspired Plato’s famous Symposium on Love, first defined poiesis “to create or bring forth upon the beautiful.”

Steven Levine speaks of poiesis, as a response, or capacity for response.

 James Hillman, who founded depth psychology, defines poiesis it the innate capacity of the soul, to produce images. The process of poiesis deepens events into experiences.

ECOPOiESIS celebrates our collective, eco-centric capacity for response, in an annual sharing zine format, online. Ecopoiesis is the co-joining of 2 words, to make a new word/idea. In the process of moving from ego-centricity to eco-centricity, our ancient eco-imaginations are fired, ( the deep knowing in us that we are not separate from nature, according to ecopsychology pioneer, Theodore Roszak) and they produce images. And poems, films, songs, meditations, laments, and prayers. Our eco-selves working edges and eco-tones of Eco-poetics.

2024 will rest this issue. The fallow ground will produce something nourishing and beautiful in 2025.

Contributions are welcome and open in June 2025

Click below to request more information.

Header Photo Credit: Elske Reyneke-Barnard