Study Ecotherapy Online


Learning at Your Pace.
Pay as You Go.


your Career

Grow your career working in/with Nature 

Self Employment Opportunities

Create your occupational niche within the continual revolutions in job markets and create self-employment opportunities in Ecotherapy


Understand the societal contexts of Nature and Healing, and become an ecological imaginary


Develop your confidence in foundation of evidence-informed frameworks in Ecotherapy


What People Are Saying



As I have deepened into this first module, I have found myself feeling like this course, the books I’m reading from the recommended reading list and the rabbit holes I’ve found myself researching online have me feeling very aligned with this path, and perhaps even why I’ve been doing the things I do. The way this study has me connecting the dots from where I’ve been to where I am going is feeling like a therapeutic weave itself - one I knew I needed but previously had no idea where to look for and can make all the difference.”

Ecotherapy Student and Earthart Activist Libby Tozer

She is Seen Movement

Eartheart Ecotherapy offered online since December 2018

Certificate of Ecotherapy

Module cost each: $300.
Payments can be spaced out over the course per Module (up to 6 months per module allowed) Better than a payment plan!

400 hours
4 modules, up to 2 years to complete,  can complete in 12 months

Best for those who:

  • already working in community/human services and want a shorter course in Ecotherapy

  • would like to experience the healing opportunities of connecting more with their Ecological/Eco-selves

    Enrollment + 4 Modules

Advanced Certificate of Ecotherapy Groupwork

700 hours
5 more modules (9 in total) building on the first 4
from the Certificate

+70-hour community placement  Up to 3 years to complete

  • For those who wish to prepare fully  to work as a Group  facilitator of Ecotherapy – no prerequisites

  • Complete your community placement anywhere in the world 

  • Includes an optional opportunity to attend residential in either Australia or Aotearoa/NZ OR be supported to create groups where you are in the world.

    5 extra Modules

    TOTAL AUD$3000

Current Students are saying:

I feel the ability to write so deeply has been unlocked.. I find nature has no judgment and when immersed, I breathe so slowly it almost feels like I’m part of the wind. I feel I’m able to release these bounds (my past) that I thought defined me. I thought these incidents made me who I am, but I’m not. Being in nature I realise I’m not my thoughts and I’m not these events.
— Jasmine QLD
As I become more aware of this ‘eco self’, I feel more grounded in myself, and this will transmit to those I work with.
— Jo Aotearoa/New Zealand
The Ecotherapy teachings are having a powerful influence on my work. It’s helping to provide more structure and expansion to my workshops and also my indoor experiences. I recently had the opportunity to offer my program to children which had such positive feedback that I am now making it a permanent fixture of my business and looking to expand into the local schools. I just wanted to say a massive thank you for doing what you do, it’s helping to move me in a direction I never thought possible and I’m loving every minute of it.
— Catherine Marty Dare to Change Therapies Vic Australia

What unique idea/calling would you like to imagine and grow in Ecotherapy?

When we dare to face the cruel social and ecological realities we have been accustomed to, courage is born and powers within us are liberated to reimagine and even, perhaps one day, rebuild a world.

Joanna Macy, Entering the Bardo

Enrolling now

Schedule a chat to see if this course is aligned with you.  

There is such a diversity of applications emerging, in the work of Ecotherapy, including;

  • Ecotourism/transformational and regnerational travel

  • Wild playgroups/kids nature groups

  • Women’s/Men's healing groups

  • Mental health

  • Mindfulness in Nature

  • Focus groups working with flowers, trees and water

  • not limited by the sky - star bathing as therapy

Photo credit and Earthart — Kelly Jarvis

SO much is unique about these bespoke, in-depth, online studies in Ecotherapy!

  • Payments per module as you go

  • Contemplative and reflective spaces for Nature to speak

  • Inspired by global Indigenous connections with Nature

  • Has a local AND global focus, and can be completed from anywhere worldwide.

  • Does not require any prerequisites

  • Draws on Ecopsychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Jungian, and Buddhist frameworks, blended with various ecologies: e.g integral ecology, deep ecology, feminist/queer ecology, social ecology, etc

  • Vocationally focused

  • Creative focus, informed by eco-art therapy and ecopoetics

  • Assignments can be completed in diverse ways including spoken, poetry, song, dance, art/earthart, prose, photography etc.

  • Recognition of prior learning (for group work and ecopsychology )

  • A lively online student group on Mighty Networks supports and connects you in

  • Monthly zoom discussions for  Modules

Lineages we explore in these Ecotherapy Courses

  • Ecopsychology

  • Deep Ecology

  • Mindfulness

  • Eco-feminism & Queer Ecology

  • Climate Anxiety and Climate grief

  • Dark Ecology

  • Transpersonal Psychology

  • Other-Centered Therapy from Buddhism

  • Regeneration

  • Gaia Theory/Biophilia

  • Global Indigenous Connections to Nature

  • Biophilia

  • Multiple Intelligences

  • Somatic/Embodied learning

  • Trauma Informed Practice

  • Animism

  • Gaia Theory

  • Social Ecology

  • Integral Ecology


The reading list includes books podcasts etc from current thinkers, practitioners and researchers, and Indigenous wisdom keepers such as Uncle Bob Randall, Tyson Yunkaporta, Theodore Roszak,  Linda Buzzell, Craig Chalquist, Ken Wilbur, Terry Patten, Andy Fisher, Vandana Shiva, Val Plumwood, Joanna Macy, John Seed, Glenn Albrecht, David Abram, Bill Plotkin, David Key and others, shaping the emergence of Ecotherapy.

Why groupwork

I am because you are
— Ubuntu teaching from Africa.

We are all  connected in the web of life, and so we are not alone, though we may feel it. The energy of groups wakes you up to this.  Other-centred frameworks from Buddhism focus on this  connection, and in this relational space we are more aligned with the invitation to eco-centricity. Reducing individualism and the conditions for  human exceptionalism to infiltrate our consciousness.  

Nature is ecosystems, we are part of. Thomas Hubl, a pioneer, and expert on Collective Trauma says our superpower, is our ability to connect with others; “I feel you feeling me” is the magic of connection, that we can harness intentionally. Connection and reciprocity, has powerful healing potentials.

Why online?

  • Accessibility - students across 7 countries currently

  • Cheaper - more doable for more people

  • Reduce travel miles and carbon footprint

  • Unique student support platform on Mighty Networks

  • Complete coursework and assignments in and be informed by Nature